this guy has not heard of henhouse

Complete A-Hole

From: Hamburg.N.Y.
Registered: 10-24-00
Posts: 480
Anybody claiming to hit 60% or better when they gamble are full of crap!!
We hear claims all the time from players and touts that they hit better then 60% of the time when gambling. I say gamblers and touts are the biggest liars on the planet when discussing "how they did". I have been playing for 25+ years and have heard so much bullshit from fellow gamblers and posters on this site. I had my best year ever last year and probably still hit under 60% of my plays. Year after year I hear how great everyone is doing, and to tell you the truth I think most gamblers start to actually believe they are winning consistently. I would love to hear everyone’s opinion on the subject and especially from those players who always win consistently.
posted 01-04-03 10:57 AM
plus purple>>> was 70 percent lifetime in pro football of course that was prior to this season
Yeah.. Golf sounds nice, right about now. We got a foot of snow In toronto.

Its a grueling 65 degrees here in FL.. /infopop/emoticons/icon_eek.gif
with the guy that has covers for his irons?

btw heard that newhen got a ball retriever for christmas.. one of those that reaches about 30 feet.....
Nope that was the first and last time time I played with that <maroon>
had akron -2 for a unit and
with one sec left ball st throws ball length of court and hits 3


how is it possible to catch and shoot in a sec??

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